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About Robin Chadwick, REALTOR®
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Robin Chadwick
Northen Kentucky has been my home for most of my life and I absolutley love it! In 1999 I moved to California thinking it would be for ever. While I did enjoy the adventure, I always seemed to compare what California had to offer to Kentucky. Most would think that Cali would win hands down ,but for me Kentucky is where my heart stayed. The people, landscape and way of life just can't be found anwhere else! I came back after 7 years and found my way into real estate. I dove in and have never looked back! With my "almost" lifelong knowledge of Northern Kentucky and love for a home environment, I've helped numerous families buy and sell their home. Please consider giving me call for your realestate needs, I would love to help!
Contact Me
Hand In Hand Realtyindependently owned & operated
859-331-8800Contact Us
12-1671 Park Rd, Fort Wright, Kentucky, 41011